186pointDUCE (WWR) "What Ever Wednesday" 1st HR “Current Events” 2nd HR "PARTY TIME” Raising concern that the administrations internal review of the terrorist attack in Benghazi would fall short, Republican senators call for a select committee to investigate the deadly strike. Florida has sent state election auditors into the state's 18th Congressional District to investigate early-voting irregularities that have resulted in disputed results in race between Republican Rep. Allen West and Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy. Wearing the fedora that has become his trademark, he walks in just before 10 a.m., after rising early to make rounds at the local hospital. There are no appointments. He takes his patients in the order they sign in -- first come, first-served. His office has no fax machines or computers. Medical records are kept on hand-written index cards, stuffed into row upon row of filing cabinets. President Obama, assuming a tough-talking tone, warned Republicans Wednesday to lay off U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice over her controversial Sept. 16 comments on the Libya consulate attack -- and at the same time opened his administration up to questions about why, if she "had nothing to do with Benghazi," the White House chose her to explain it to the public. And Twitter Shot outs @goofybone #186pointDUCE #HELNlovesVINCE #BTRofAnarchy and much much more call in 646-595-4136.....
87-year-old doctor charges 5 per visit![]()
| Rice had nothing to do with Benghazi![]()
| Woman killed by red tape![]()
| Jon Bon Jovis daughter heroin overdose![]()
| Babylon 5 is Stupid![]()
87-year-old doctor charges 5 per visit