Dear Brilliant Infinite Beings! -Are You Frustrated With This Reality? -Are you buying into the illusion of fear of another natural disaster or super storm wreaking potential havoc? -Is Your World Feeling Upside Down because you were Effected By Super Storm Sandy? Our Access Consciousness Worldwide Community will be offering simple tools to apply NOW to change your reality & bring you more joy, more fun, & more abundance without being at the effect of anyone or anything- EVEN SANDY!!!!!!!!!!! Having your Bars Run can clear & release all the Limitations, The Lies, Illusions, Fantasies, & Insanities you have bought as true for you. This call will include testimonials & experiences from Bars Facilitators & Clients.You will learn how to apply these tools you can use to get free & release all limitations that keep you stuck and on auto-pilot. LETS CLEAR, RELEASE, DESTROY & UNCREATE ALL THE OLD PARADIGMS,TOXIC THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS, & PROGRAMS THAT KEEP US ADDICTED TO SUFFERING & CREATE INFINITE POSSIBILITIES OF SOMETHING FAR GREATER TO SHOW UP! CALL IN AT 310-388-9726 TO SPEAK WITH US! Can an hour change your life? In Ease, Joy, & Glory! Mery Brinin & Rob Gegner
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