Denise Johnson the mother of Gregory Johnson will explain how the local goverment ( Santa Clara District Attorney Office, San Jose State University Campus Police, FBI, Santa Clara County Corner Office, NAACP, Former President of San Jose State University Jon Wihitmore, Cheif Of Police San Jose State Andre Barnes, Sigma Chi fraternity, San Jose Police Department, Ladoris Cordell Independent Police Auditor for San Jose Police Department, Department of Interaffairs of San Jose Police Department, San Jose State Alumni Sigma CHI, and all had different story about the death of her son. These are the names of the San Jose State Alumni Sigma CHI who was at the Crime Scene 1. Jeff Twidel 2. Nick siekiedrski 3. Jeffery Gaines You may visit the web sit: The Murder That Rocked The Yard! Justice For Gregory Johnson
Killing | Death | Gregory | San Jose | Black man
Killing | Death | Gregory | San Jose | Black man